Sri Lankan Culture and Traditions shared with People in Minsk
Grand Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Show- Mega Tourism Caravan 4 organized by the Embassy of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka in the Russian Federation commenced its activities with a glittering show at the Stolista Mall in the Minsk city which is the capital of the Republic of Belarus on the 24 September 2014. Meticulously planned and minutely executed under the close supervision of His Excellency Udayanga Weeratunga, the Ambassador to Russian Federation with accreditation to the Republic of Belarus, the show at the mall aptly named, Shopping Mall Activation showcasing the ‘Culture and Traditions’ of Sri Lanka was a tremendous success and gave the right impetus to other activities to follow.
According to many who visit Minsk, Stolitsa Mall is considered one of the best malls in the city. This Mega shopping Mall got pretty much everything from clothes to alcohol to souvenirs. Due to this Stolista Mall attracts large number of locals and foreigners and is ideal for tourism promotional activities.
Traditions shared with Minsk