Presentation “Invest in Sri Lanka”
16 September, 2010
Presentation of Sri Lanka investment opportunity for foreign investor took place on 16th September, 2010 at the Embassy of Sri Lanka in Russia. Business groups and people who is interested in investing in Sri Lanka from different shears were invited. H.E. Udayanga Weeratunga delivered a speech to the visitors and mentioned that most of the invites have never suspected that Sri Lanka is a kind of offshore zone providing a lot of preferences to the foreign investors for setting up and developing their business.
Mr. Lal Kumara Gamage, Minister of the Embassy of Sri Lanka, who is responsible for investments at the Embassy, delivered a presentation and answer the main question: “Why invest in Sri Lanka?”
Last year Sri Lanka successfully won a war on terror and need to rebuild and progress.
Sri Lanka is at the center of the East-West maritime route and conveniently serves the markets of the Far-East, Middle East, South Asia, Africa and Australia. Colombo Airport has the most modern facilities for passengers in the sub-continent. Sri Lanka is also developing a second international airport in Hambantota in the South. Colombo Sea Port is the #1 port in South Asia.
Sri Lanka has Free Trade Agreements with India and Pakistan. Export products of the target industries into India and Pakistan, if made in Sri Lanka, by a Russian company are free of duty. This is an advantage for pricing of products competitively.
Nearly half of the population is in the working force. Sri Lankans learn skills quickly, are educated and capable of producing high-end products. The lowest rate for renting a haouse, apartments or office. Colombo has some modern office buildings including the twin towers of the World Trade Centre. Sri Lanka boasts some of the most modern and luxurious apartments.
Sri Lanka was the first country in South Asia to liberalize its economy. 100% foreign ownership is allowed. Profits can be freely repatriated and our commercial laws, based on British laws, are transparent. Sri Lankan policy avoids double taxation based on agreements with over 30 countries including Russia.
Sri Lanka has a modern banking and financial system, world class hospitals, and excellent healthcare and diagnostic facilities. Several of Sri Lankan doctors are trained in Russia. International expatriates have access to excellent schools for their children.
The country is renowned for its natural beauty and its exceptional world class tourist hotels and resorts which gave a great potential to develop a tourism industry on the Island.
We invite all foreign investors to start business with Sri Lanka in the sphere of power, apparel, tyre, tourism, constrictions of hotels, road and railways.
You can apply for more details to Mr. Lal Kumara Gamage by the Embassy phone number phone 688-16-20 or sending e-mail to
Presentation Invest in Sri Lanka