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Saga Continues in the «City of Alatau Mountains»
26-28 April 2013
The “Mega Tourism Road Show” continues in Almaty. Almost 150 years have passed since the first settlements were established in Almaty. The city is situated in the centre of the Eurasian continent, in the south-east of the Republic of Kazakhstan, at the foothills of the Trans-Ili Alatau Mountains, the northernmost ridge of the Tien Shan. The city occupies an area of over 170 square kilometers. It stands in the valleys of the Bolshaya and Malaya Almatinka rivers Talgar (5017 m), Nursultan (former Komsomol 4376 m) and Bolshoi Almatinski (3684 m) peaks prevail over the range of picturesque summits surrounding the city from the south.
The climate in the city is sharply continental, with considerable fluctuations in temperature not only in different seasons but also between day and night. From a height of 500 meters the city climate is closer to the steppe and semi-deserts, coming close to the hot Kaskelen Moyunkuins. In the southern areas, at an altitude of 1520- 1750 meters above sea level, in the Medeu Tract and the Kamenski Plateau, you can feel the breath of “Arctic mountains”. Average annual wind speed is twice as less as in Moscow. Average temperature of July is the same as on the islands of Sri Lanka (Ceylon) or Java. Average temperature of January can be compared with that in the north of Norway.
Rich and diverse is the animal and vegetable kingdom of the Trans-Ili Alatau. The Almaty precincts are part of the Ili-Alatau National Park in the territory of which nature reserves and wildlife are arranged. They are the habitat of many rare birds and animals listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan. Among them is the snow leopard, now embellishing the emblem of Almaty.
At the foothills of the mountains grain, melon and gourd, and tobacco plantations and vineyards are interchanged by orchards and berry fields. It was here where famous “aport” Almaty apple breed was first cultivated. Once this very apple became not only the city’s symbol but also gave it its name (“alma” is the Kazakh for “apple”).
Gardens and parks, public gardens and boulevards occupy over 8 hectares of the city territory. The vicinity of Almaty can boast rare representatives of the local endemic flora. Long forgotten names of our countrymen, men of science, are now eternalized in the names of many Almaty plants: Nedzvetski apple-tree, Fetisov onion, Kushakevich saffron, etc.
Many names of honorary citizens have been preserved in the names of mountains and valleys of the Trans-Ili Alatau: Palgov, Bryzgalov, Dmitriev, Poyarkov, Shnitnikov and Wojcehowski glaciers; Ryskul, Kolokolnikovs, Zimin Valleys and Kuderin summit. Many old names were changed to new ones.
The Mega Al-Mata is located in the south of the city of Almaty, and is one of the most popular and largest shopping malls. It is widely patronized by all groups of shoppers at all age categories, mostly of the higher income level category. The Mall includes a large food hypermarket Ramstor, many shops, restaurants, cafes, leisure areas and entertainment, promoting well-known international brand names.
At the start of the activation, introduction and promotion of Sri Lanka was carried out with description of places of tourist attractions and other interesting information. A mini spa conducted by the masseur from Siddhalepa Ayurveda Resort & Spa, and a demonstration of traditional mask making was given by the mask maker. Both items were very popular among the visitors. Competitions to promote knowledge and interest in Sri Lanka were conducted with enthusiastic participation from the crowd. Prices were given out to winners.
The cultural dance items presented by the dancing troupe “Chandana and the Dancers’ Guild” proved to be a major attraction as in previous events and were able to draw a significant crowd of around a thousand visitors counting both days. The stall for the liquid Ceylon tea service and promotion was well patronized. Distribution of tea sachets and promotional leaflets, Tourism catalogue and Audio Guide CDs were also conducted extensively at the mall.

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