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50th Anniversary of Peoples’ Friendship University Celebrations held at Kremlin.
06th of February 2010

The visit was associated with the bestowal of the “Doctorate Honoris Causa” by the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia on President Mahinda Rajapaksa on 06th February. The award was made in recognition of “the contribution in world peace, cultural and educational relations and steadily developing bilateral ties between Sri Lanka and the Russian Federation”. It is significant that from the time the University started awarding the Honorary Doctorates only 7 world leaders have been awarded the prestigious award. In 2010, President Rajapaksa had the honor of being the single awarder of the Honorary Doctorate.
President Rajapaksa was bestowed the Honorary Doctorate by Prof Filippov, the Rector of the Peoples’ Friendship University at a ceremony which was part of the 50th Anniversary Celebrations of the University. The event was held at the State Kremlin Hall in Moscow with the participation of over 6000.
President and the First Lady were received on arrival by Prof. Filippov, Rector of the Peoples’ Friendship University. The Honorary Doctorate was bestowed by Rector Filippov on behalf of the university. President presented “the award of state medal” to the Peoples’ Friendship University and delivered the acceptance speech. A short Sri Lankan cultural event by the Sri Lanka Air Force followed.
H.E. the President, the First Lady and the VIP members of the Sri Lanka delegation were hosted to private dinner at “Restorant Pushkin” by Riston Tea Company after the ceremony. About 60 persons were invited.

President Rajapaksa’s speech at Doctorate acceptance Ceremony:
It is with a sense of humility that I accept the most prestigious award of the “Doctorate Honoris Causa” of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia. I do so because the accomplishments mentioned in the citation stem not from my individual effort but from the efforts of the people of Sri Lanka.
The citation spells out that the conferment is due to our contribution to world peace. For over three decades the very existence of our nation and the peace and prosperity of our people were threatened by the menace of the LTTE, described as one of the deadliest of terrorist organizations.
When the terrorists adamantly rejected our sincere efforts for negotiation, we had to use military means to defeat them in a comprehensive manner. It was a humanitarian operation launched with absolute care for the civilian population held hostage by the terrorists for decades.
This evening, I stand before you having been pronounced only a few days ago, the 6th Executive President of my country, on the basis of an election held nationwide on a free and fair basis. The voters through graciously conferring on me a share of almost 58% of the total votes cast, made their desire for peace, democracy and progress known in a very clear and forthright manner, although the campaign launched by the opposition was a vicious one.
During the last 4 years, I have been able to take my country to hitherto unknown heights in development. It suffices to say that during the last 4 years our economy has become stronger despite global recession, and there has been unprecedented progress in every sector of the social and cultural life of the nation. Although we were concentrating on defeating terrorism, we did not forget the welfare of the people and infrastructure development.
Today, our business confidence levels are high. Our future needs in energy, human resources and banking are already planned for. Our poverty levels are dropping sharply. Our international recognition is presently that of a middle income emerging market nation. These conditions make Sri Lanka an obvious favorite of investors from all over the world.
It has always been my earnest resolve throughout my political career of 40 years to respond to the trust placed in me by the people of Sri Lanka. I am accordingly supremely confident that having united our territory, I will be able to heal the wounds and unite the hearts of all our people. This is the aspiration of our people.
The Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia is dedicated to the noble ideal of “uniting people of different nationalities, races and religions through knowledge”. Patrice Lumumba, whose life inspired the founding of this university, made it a point to stress that “we retain the right to be friends with whoever we like in accordance with the spirit of political neutrality”. This is very much the spirit in which I propose to address myself to the massive challenges that confront me in the years ahead.
I wish to warmly congratulate the Peoples’ Friendship University on its Fiftieth Anniversary and to hail its magnificent and generous contribution to humanity by enabling over the years tens of thousands from the developing world to obtain within its halls, a first class University education.
In doing so, the University has demonstrated the generous commitment of Russia and her people. My own country Sri Lanka has had the benefit of several thousands of her citizens graduating from this University. To strike a personal note, my younger brother is also a graduate of this great hall of learning and I have had the good fortune to visit this university in the seventies.
Before I conclude, I wish to quote from Appamada Vagga in Dhammapada, the unprecedented Anthology of the Buddha’s word. The Enlightened One says of Heedfulness,
Uttanavatho sathimatho – suchikammassa nisammakarino
Sagngnatassa cha dhammajeevino – appamattassa yasobhivaddathi
It means, “Mindful and striving, pure, restrained and righteous, man advances to fame and prosperity.”
In conclusion, I wish to thank all of you, for being here to share our happiness and I wish you a bright future.

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