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Sri Lankan Culture and Traditions on show in Vitebsk City in the Republic of Belarus
27 September 2014

Travelling a distance of over 320 km from Minsk city where it began its activities, Mega Tourism Caravan 7 arrived in Vibetsk a city in Belarus which is considered the fourth largest city in the Republic of Belarus on the 27 September 2014. Vitebsk is the main city in the Vitebsk region and the region is known as the Belarusian land of lakes (Belaruskaye Paazerye), and has more than 2800 lakes and 500 rivers. More than a third of the region is forest. Approximately 60% of these forests are centuries-old coniferous woods.
Vitebsk city which is popular amongst visitors to the Republic of Belorussia has numerous attractions. Amongst many attractions in the Vitebsk city the Annunciation Church which is one of Vitebsk’s long preserved oldest and a unique building takes the center stage. This magnificent six-pillared building had been constructed in the 1140s, rebuilt in the 14th and 17th centuries, repaired in 1883 and destroyed by the Communist administration in 1961. Scarce remains of the church were conserved until 1992, when it was restored to its presumed original appearance. Today modern Vitebsk city stands as a large administrative, industrial, scientific and a cultural centre of the Republic of Belarus.
Mega Tourism Caravan 7 activities in Minsk began with a colorful Shopping Mall Activation at Marko-City Mall, a Mega Mall in the Vitebsk city center. The Shopping Mall “Marco-City” which is an exclusive shopping mall in Minsk has recently appeared on the map of Vitebsk, but has already become an integral part of the city. Marco City Mall construction is eye catching due to its uniqueness. Eight levels of glass composition, dressed in a metal lace, gives the mall the appearance of a wonderful mirror, where the richness and diversity of the city is reflected along with its residents and guests at a glance, giving a feeling of serenity and purity.
Amongst numerous items on display at the Marco- City Mall, handicrafts produced by the State owned Gift and Souvenir Boutique “Laksala” attracted a large number of visitors. Laksala, the renowned Gift and Souvenir Boutique in Sri Lanka once again lived up to its reputation by not only displaying the items but also assisting in conducting elaborate explanations on the items which were on display. Many a locals were seen keenly observing the items on display and listening to the explanations.
One of the most interesting aspects during the activities at the Marco city Mall was the interest shown by the locals who flocked to witness the activities to obtain details about Sri Lanka. It is also pertinent to note that more than 70% of the people who live in Vitebsk region live in towns and cities. Thus attracting such a large crowd to witness Mega Tourism Caravan 7 activities is bound to pay dividends in time to come.

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